U of San Diego doing study on Statin Adverse Affects

A forum to discuss personal experiences and share information on statins and other cholesterol lowering drugs.

U of San Diego doing study on Statin Adverse Affects

Postby bomber70 » Tue Nov 07, 2006 5:34 pm


This group is looking for personal stories. This is a copy of an e-mail to me. Contact info is below if you want to participate:

Dear X,

Thank you for contacting the University of California at San Diego
(UCSD) Statin Effects Study, and for sharing your experience on cholesterol-lowering drugs with us. We have heard many cases in which people have reported problems that may be related to statin use. Our goal is to learn as much as possible about these symptoms, as there is little research available on them to date. We think this is especially important because statins and cholesterol-lowering drugs have become the most widely prescribed medications in the country.

We are seeking to get information from people who may have experienced statin-associated problems like those you have noted, in order to better address questions posed to us by others who are currently experiencing such problems. If you are willing, we would be grateful if you could complete the attached questionnaires pertaining to your experience.
Please fill them out as completely as you are able. The information you provide will help us to better understand these medications and any of their possible side effects. (Participation in research is entirely voluntary and choosing not to complete the questionnaires will result in no jeopardy to the medical care you may receive at this institution or loss of benefits to which you are entitled)

We also attached consent forms; your signature on these is needed in order for us to include any of the information you share in our research. If you prefer to have these forms mailed to you, please e-mail us back your return address and we will be glad to send them to you with a postage-paid envelope. (Note: When printing the forms in Adobe Acrobat, please make sure the Page Scaling option is set to “None”)

Please be reassured that any identifying information will be kept confidential within the study group. The “Notice of Privacy Practices”
can be accessed through the following website:

Please mail the consent forms, along with the questionnaires (if applicable), to:

UCSD Statin Effects Study
9500 Gilman Drive, Dept. 0995
La Jolla, CA 92093-0995

Two articles and two abstracts have been published, and other articles are in process. Please feel free to contact us at any time to learn if more is available, or to learn of other published research related to your problem, that you can share with your physician. For ongoing symptoms or problems you are experiencing, please consult your doctor.

For more information, you may call us at (858) 558-4950 or consult our website to read about statin medications and to find resources to learn more. We will keep this site up-to-date with our latest findings. The URL is: [http://medicine.ucsd.edu/ses/]

Thank you so much for your time and for contributing your experience.
Your participation means a great deal to our study.


Marvin Hanashiro
UCSD Statin Effects Study

P.S. If you know of someone else who has any experience on or with statins, we would greatly appreciate it if you would provide them with our contact information (statinstudy@ucsd.edu <mailto:statinstudy@ucsd.edu> or (858) 558-4950) and let them know that their input can be of great help to us.

Marvin H. Hanashiro
Project Manager
UCSD Statin Effects Study
9500 Gilman Drive, Dept. 0995
La Jolla, CA 92093-0995
Phone: (858) 558-4950 ext. 215
Fax: (858) 558-4960
Posts: 9
Joined: Wed Mar 29, 2006 1:17 pm

Postby catspajamas » Sat Jan 13, 2007 7:28 pm

I participated in that study with U of SD....they were particularily interested in the periferal neurapathy I had...I had a follow up letter and 2 phone calls...so it is good to know someone is doing these studies....(won't help my pn any though)[size=18][/size] :(
Posts: 127
Joined: Wed Jan 03, 2007 7:40 pm
Location: Illinois

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