35 days have past since coming off Lipitor (was on 80mg). Still taking 9g Questran & 500mg Niaspan plus lots of supplementary goodies.
Blood test Tuesday :
TC 8 mmo/l (312 mg/dl) - was 4.6
LDL 5.9 mmo/l (230 mg/dl) - was 2.7
HDL 1.3 mmo/l (50 mg/dl) - unchanged
Lp(a) 0.21 g/l - was 0.4!
This last result I consider of much more value than TC & LDL and what a result, almost halved. Yet last time my doc said it was genetically determined! Oh yeah?
After the blood test met a friend for lunch and trailed a few music shops (he's a pro musician). Disappointed that, although I hadn't been walking fast, I experienced a tachycardic episode. The first for several years.
Also it has taken me a good two days to recover from the jaunt while my body restored to its usual modest (i.e. low) energy level.
Keepin' the faith