What NEW medical conditions do you have from Statins?

A forum to discuss personal experiences and share information on statins and other cholesterol lowering drugs.

What NEW medical conditions do you have from Statins?

Postby Dee » Wed Nov 14, 2007 3:19 pm

Hi all,

I wanted to start a thread to list each and every medical condition developed during statin "therapy", or rather poisoning. As the list grows by those that contribute their information, it will be helpful to new members, and help them recognize more accurately, how statins may have affected their health.

Number of new problems I developed while on Pravachol: 19

Number of new problems since I stopped Pravachol over 3.5 years ago : 0

Percentage of improvement is listed for conditions that have improved since discontinuing Pravachol. No percentage = no improvement

Here is my list, hope you all post yours.

Muscle weakness, inability to walk without a cane (for short distances) and a wheelchair / scooter for longer distances.

Loss of muscle mass in arms and legs

Severe sleep apnea, which developed at the onset of muscle problems, CPAP is required in order to sleep. (Please note: Sleep apnea developed BEFORE the significant weight gain.)

Lack of Stamina, must rest for extended periods of time after any activity or exertion

Shortness of breath upon exertion

Dyshidrotic eczema on both feet (50% improvement)

High blood pressure

Swelling of lower extremities (50% improvement)

Legs bright red from knee to ankle (75% improvement)

Deep sores on the side of my tongue, each sore lasting for several weeks/months (100% improvement)

Swelling and soreness of tongue muscles, alternating from right to left sides (100% improvement)

Severe cramping in sides / rib cage areas upon twisting, laughing, or riding in the car (80% improvement)

Weight gain of 80 lbs. (have only lost 20lbs. since stopping Pravachol)

Loss of blood sugar control in spite of using insulin (100% improvement)

Difficulty writing due to cramping and poor coordination and weakness in hands

Choking on food or drink (80% improvement)

Urinary incontinence

Severe itching of feet (75% improvement)

Swelling, stiffness, and soreness in both knees (100% improvement)
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Postby Cat Mom2 » Sat Nov 17, 2007 8:50 am

Don't know if I can remember all my new sudden problems but will try and come back and add if I remember anymore.

Sudden horriable knee pain, hit both knees at the same moment, that stayed the whole time I was on statins. Went away within days when quit them. (This was within weeks of starting them)

Gastric problems; gas, bloating, indigestion, acid reflux. (GONE)

Weight gain.. 30 pouinds, lost it once off of them. (LOST)

Odd lumpy swelling in both feet that itched, burned and ached as they grew. (Still there, still hurting)

Muscle weakness (GONE!)

cramps in feet and leggs (GONE)

stumbeling when walking, even sometimes when standing still! (GONE)

Unable to remember words- then not being able to say them when I remembered them. (GONE)

confusion (GONE)

memory problems (GONE)

depression from the realizing something was terriably wrong and not knowing what,, Major worrys about my future. (Things are so much brighter now!)

Urinary incontinence -Sudden, urgent urges to go! (GONE)

loss of energy (GONE)

loss of labito (GONE)

Tingeling, itching hands, feet and face (Still in feet)

Squeezing pain around chest (GONE)

heart racing (still does now and then)

Tendonitis that moves from joint to joint, started once I got off and is really sever, attacks one joint after another.

The ONLY problem I had before starting statin drugs was what they called "high cholesterol".. No aches, pains or probelms. Only saw my doctor for annuals, now I see them several times a month!

I went from NO daily medication to a bag full... am down to just supplements and pain management for the tendonitis.
Cat Mom2
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Postby catspajamas » Sat Nov 17, 2007 1:32 pm

I have periferal neurapathy...statins basically affected all of my nervous system....very painful...affected my mobility.
I have a drooped eyelid(muscle damage)
The left side of my body is weak...it has gotten some better in the 5 years off statins but is still affecting my balance ,
My other symptoms I had on statins that have subsided are:
bloody diarrhea, vomiting, painful abdominal cramps
severe fatigue
accelerated the growth of a cataract I had(had surgery, lens implant)
Had a neuroma on a nerve by my toes removed(don't know if this was statin induced or not.
Guess with me, it affected my nervous system in general...
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Postby Cat Mom2 » Thu Nov 22, 2007 11:46 am

Need to ad...

diagnosed with cataract and gloucoma while on statins

Last colonscopy came up with 5 precancerous polyups when I have never had a polyup before. (on statins at that time)
Cat Mom2
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Lipitor problems & post Lipitor problems

Postby bunnylady » Thu Dec 13, 2007 11:56 pm

Exerabated many little problems into big problems

had need for knee replacement but now I need a walker to walk
falling down and stumbling causing brusing and injury
worse GERD and worse IBS- feel like my insides are coming outside with the diarrhea
muscle spasms
chronic fatigue and weight gain of 35 lbs
fibromyalgia sent me to ER- thought it was chest pain
almost daily migraines and need for Imitrex

Post Lipitor 21 months
breast cancer
bad EKG- need followup- have trouble breathing if I lean over and have stabbing pains in heart area
ringing in the ears
pulled ligament in foot

Ringing in the ears is now almost gone, headacdhes down to 2 a week- fatigue and fibromyalgia are better and I can get on with my life most days- still can't play with grandkids but I can throw them up in the air
breast cancer all gone- now to see a cardiologist and get my knees and foot repaired
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Postby bunnylady » Fri Dec 14, 2007 12:08 am

Oh- forgot to mention edema around the ankles- so much so I can barely get my shoes on- if I take a water pill it clears up but then comes back

can someone tell me if this signifies heart problems?

also as per the first poster libido is all but gone- could be the paxil also but need that to cope with depression

I WAS healthy before I took this drug that doctors assured me would keep me living longer- I just hope I can make it to 70- ten more years- then I'm done with all this pain
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Postby Dee » Fri Dec 14, 2007 2:19 am


Yes, swelling "can" indicate heart problems, but I can tell you in my case the swelling was so bad, that the doctor (same one that had me on Pravachol) sent me to a heart clinic, convinced that I had right sided heart failure.

My heart checked out fine.

I still to this day must take lasix to control the fluid in my lower legs, ankles, and feet. I never had that problem before taking the statin.
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Postby Ray Holder » Fri Dec 14, 2007 6:08 am

I hope you are both able to take plenty of Q10, its the only thing that keeps my heart working properly.

Ray Holder
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Postby Biologist » Wed Dec 19, 2007 2:18 pm


In this other thread titled,

"Lipitor - Achilles tendon rupture - Advice please!!!!!"

you write the following:

"Hi Andy- what a shame at age 36 you were
put on Statins- at least I was 56 before I was
prescribed statins or Lipitor- I have been off
Lipitor for 19 months when almost overnight
I had a burning pain on the top part of my
right foot- surgury is required if it does not
go away- I know it won't go away but the
doctors look at me funny when I blame Lipitor-
but I had no injury and I sure can't exercise -
I use orthotics, good shoes, and medication-
I know my muscles in my feet and legs have
wasted away- they are much thinner than
pre Lipitor- anyways good luck- I don't have
the medical knowlege of the other posters-
just a gut feeling from what I've been thru
and I believe Statins caused your slow
healing and problems- stay off them- I have
done quite well on Cinnamon capsules with
lowering my cholesterol-"

For one, I am uncertain why you would want to lower your cholesterol in the first place (unless you have had heart problems, where the statin issue is debatable) since cholesterol is protective past a certain age and also since statins have never been shown to be benefitial to women -- while their potential for harm is well documented.

But here is the point:

You are STILL TAKING a statin !


You cannot get better until you stop the source of the problems. I recommend you stop taking statins and see what a difference it may make for you.

My gift to you.

Merry Christmas!

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Postby Biologist » Thu Dec 20, 2007 10:24 am

Hi, Bunnylady,

I had intended to carefully read your posts in This Thread prior to posting to you, but ended up using much of my limited time tracking down the post of yours that I cited. That thread turns out to be a "Double Thread" showing up both in this forum as well as the "Lipitor Forum." The post of yours that I quoted only appears in one of them. Figuring that out and finding it is what ate up my time before posting and quickly getting off to an appointment. I should have held my post until reading yours in this thread better.

I'm sure no cardiologist, but, I fear some cardiologists aren't either. Hopefully you have a good one. It sounds like you are not on prescription statins anymore and they are OK with that or accept it. That is probably a good sign. Statins weaken hearts by limiting CoQ10 production, just like they are unhelpful to all other muscles. They cut into the energy supply of muscles. Enough of that probably contributes to heart weakening / inefficiencies that could contribute to heart failure in some people. So that is why avoiding prescription statins and natural statins is probably a very good idea. You have not mentioned blockages in heart arteries such as would be found with an angiogram, so it would appear that there may be NO reason for a statin that I can see. Please post if you have been diagnosed with such blockages.

Taking a good CoQ10 product, as Ray mentions, is a great idea. Brooks' cardiologist -- well versed in statin issues -- recommends the following:


I am giving several bottles (of that exact bottle you see to in the hyperlink) to my mother when I see her over Christmas in a few days (she already has a supply from me). She too has had breast cancer and was diagnosed with fibromyalgia this year. I helped get her off statins this year (and my dad -- neither of whom should have ever been on them!)

She use to get migraines too, but I have not heard of that being a problem for years. Menopause seems to cure that for many women, I believe. But not all.

I sure sympathize with you.

On cinnamon, who would have thought it?! I sure didn't. I used it a short while after quitting prescription statins! However, we have documented on this forum, this year, with credible research papers found online, that it is indeed a statin. My personal experience tells me that it is a statin regardless of the research shows. I know it is! Be there no doubt: Cinnamon IS a statin.

I wish you well and hope you keep us posted.

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Co Q10 link

Postby bunnylady » Sat Dec 22, 2007 2:22 pm

Can't find the good CoQ10 via the link you gave me- -

Yes, I have been off statins for a long time- I take so many darn pills and supplements I haven't taken the cinnamon for a while

haven't been to a cardiologist yet- I moved from Calif to Texas (near Austin) and don't know doctors in this area-

statins are really a poison aren't they! wow!
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Postby cjbrooksjc » Sat Dec 22, 2007 2:42 pm

Bunnylady: The link is good. I checked it. Just copy everything BUT THE ASTERISK (*), and paste it to the address line of your search engine..

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Postby cjbrooksjc » Mon Dec 24, 2007 1:35 pm

Bunnylady: If you can drive, or have someone who can drive with you to Tyler, TX (northeast TX.), you could visit my cardiologist, Dr. Peter Langsjoen, who is a CoQ10 expert and whose wife, also a practitioner, runs a CoQ10 testing lab there. Here is the contact info if you decide to pursue:

Peter H. Langsjoen, MD, FACC
Cardiovascular Diseases
Research in Biomedical Aspects of Coenzyme Q10
Alena Langsjoen, M.S.
Coenzyme Q10 Laboratory, Inc.
Tel (903) 595-3778, Fax (903) 595-4962
1107 Doctors Drive
Tyler, Texas 75701,USA

Dr. Langsjoen is a gentle, concerned physician who had a strong interest in and a working history with Statin-induced side effect studies. Since you are within a reasonable distance I would strongly recommend a visit; for your peace of mind, if for no other reason.

Best of luck.

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What NEW medical conditions do you have from Statins?

Postby jazzbird925 » Sun Jun 15, 2008 1:33 pm

Sudden 5 pound weight loss

Multiple enlarged lymph nodes in neck (appeared one by one; disappeared after several months)

Severe calf pain within 7 days of Lescol use. Stopped immediately and was put on Pravastatin for 6 weeks. Then stopped due to the following:

Shoulder and bicep pain which eventually evolved into bilateral frozen shoulder making for a painful and hellish life. PT twice weekly, 3 cortisone shots which served primarly to raise my blood glucose levels to the upper 200s and lower 300s (I am insulin dependant)

A second 5-pound weight loss (I am now down to 95 pounds)

Beaus lines in all of my fingernails (horizontal indentations which are indicative of disease, medication etc). They continue to grow out and regrow

Positive ANA; highly elevated Anticardiolipin (all other bloodwork including CK is normal)

Diagnosis of Undifferentiated Connective Tissue Disease

Ligament and tendon popping in neck, legs and arms has disappeared thankfully, so I am still able to use treadmill and crosstrainer without arm function, to help control my diabetes)
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Postby vipergg22 » Tue Jul 08, 2008 7:02 pm

[quote="Biologist"]Hi, Bunnylady,

I had intended to carefully read your posts in This Thread prior to posting to you, but ended up using much of my limited time tracking down the post of yours that I cited. That thread turns out to be a "Double Thread" showing up both in this forum as well as the "Lipitor Forum." The post of yours that I quoted only appears in one of them. Figuring that out and finding it is what ate up my time before posting and quickly getting off to an appointment. I should have held my post until reading yours in this thread better.

I'm sure no cardiologist, but, I fear some cardiologists aren't either. Hopefully you have a good one. It sounds like you are not on prescription statins anymore and they are OK with that or accept it. That is probably a good sign. Statins weaken hearts by limiting CoQ10 production, just like they are unhelpful to all other muscles. They cut into the energy supply of muscles. Enough of that probably contributes to heart weakening / inefficiencies that could contribute to heart failure in some people. So that is why avoiding prescription statins and natural statins is probably a very good idea. You have not mentioned blockages in heart arteries such as would be found with an angiogram, so it would appear that there may be NO reason for a statin that I can see. Please post if you have been diagnosed with such blockages.

Taking a good CoQ10 product, as Ray mentions, is a great idea. Brooks' cardiologist -- well versed in statin issues -- recommends the following:


I am giving several bottles (of that exact bottle you see to in the hyperlink) to my mother when I see her over Christmas in a few days (she already has a supply from me). She too has had breast cancer and was diagnosed with fibromyalgia this year. I helped get her off statins this year (and my dad -- neither of whom should have ever been on them!)

She use to get migraines too, but I have not heard of that being a problem for years. Menopause seems to cure that for many women, I believe. But not all.

I sure sympathize with you.

On cinnamon, who would have thought it?! I sure didn't. I used it a short while after quitting prescription statins! However, we have documented on this forum, this year, with credible research papers found online, that it is indeed a statin. My personal experience tells me that it is a statin regardless of the research shows. I know it is! Be there no doubt: Cinnamon IS a statin.

I wish you well and hope you keep us posted.


do you have any sites that reference that cinnamon is a statin . I have never heard of that before nor seen it anywhere in my internet travels...
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Postby Biologist » Tue Jul 08, 2008 11:57 pm

Here is the exact stuff I was taking.


Exact same bottle. I still have it. I may weigh it sometime and compare it to a full bottle (from Sam's Club) to see if I can take a guess how much I took in all over several days. I hope it has not dried out a lot and lost weight though. Probably not. I was dipping a spoon in it and taking a heaping amount and washing it down with water every day. So I might want to weigh the approximate amount in a spoon full and see if I can convert it into grams. My guess would be about five grams "per serving" but I could be high or low in my estimation. The stuff screwed me up after about the third or fourth day as I remember. It left me with what sure appear to be my most permanent injuries. This was after quitting Zocor for about six weeks and having improving a good bit after an acute loss of energy that had me on my knees after working out. I was also taking Doxycycline at the time and had recently increased my dosage of Zocor and had happened to have run out of CoQ10 for several weeks prior to that. It must have been the combination. My exhaustion was near total for several days and then gradually eased up. Then the same thing happened with taking this stuff for less than a week at the high dosages I mentioned. The permanent injury is in my left arm which now has a quiver in it when I flex it and is generally just not as stable. My other limbs are effected to a lesser degree. I think I killed motor neurons in that arm after having weakened them from six weeks before -- where they had been getting beat up after six years of statin use anyway. I will include this info in the "My Story" thread eventually.

After that happened I was not sure if it was the Cinnamon or due to a cold I had at the time where I was eating a lot of soup that had a lot of monosodium glutamate in it which is believed to be able to over excite some brain cells (in which case the motor neurons in question would have been pre-spinal cord rather than post-spinal cord to the actual muscles, if my theory is right about killing them). I went looking for a statin connection with cinnamon when I got the time and found little except to learn that it is used in industry (i.e., food canning and cattle raising for preserving and killing gut flora, respectively) as a HMG CoA Reductase Inhibitor -- which is the definition of a statin. (I posted one of the links at the time and it can be found with the search function on this site by putting my name and the word "cinnamon" in the search, but there are 33 listing found and I did not want to take the time to locate it right now.) I knew then that I had found my culprit. Later, Darrell found and posted the following which is very definitive in my estimation, if you know how to read such scientific papers.

Here is what Darrell posted:

"J Med Food. 2003 Fall;6(3):183-91.

Cinnamate supplementation enhances hepatic lipid metabolism and antioxidant defense systems in high cholesterol-fed rats.
Lee JS, Jeon SM, Park EM, Huh TL, Kwon OS, Lee MK, Choi MS.
Department of Food Science and Nutrition, Kyungpook National University, Daegu, Korea.

This study investigated the effect of cinnamate, a phenolic compound found in cinnamon bark and other plant materials, on lipid metabolism and antioxidant enzyme activities in rats fed a high cholesterol diet. Three groups of rats were given a diet containing 1 g of cholesterol/kg for 6 weeks. The control group only received the high cholesterol diet, whereas the other two groups received a diet supplemented with lovastatin or cinnamate (0.1 g/100 g of diet). The plasma high-density lipoprotein-cholesterol levels were significantly higher in the cinnamate group than in either the control or lovastatin groups, and the atherogenic index was significantly lower in rats with cinnamate supplementation. Supplementation with cinnamate resulted in significantly lower hepatic cholesterol and triglyceride levels. Accumulation of hepatic lipid droplets was higher in the control group than in the rats supplemented with either cinnamate or lovastatin. Hepatic 3-hydroxy-3-methylglutaryl CoA (HMG-CoA) reductase activity was significantly lower in the cinnamate group compared with the other groups, whereas only acyl-CoA:cholesterol acyltransferase activity was significantly lower in the lovastatin group compared with the control group. Cinnamate supplementation resulted in higher catalase and glutathione peroxidase activities, while hepatic thiobarbituric acid-reactive substances were significantly lower in both the cinnamate and lovastatin groups. The fecal acidic sterol was higher in the lovastatin group than in the control or cinnamate groups. These results suggest that dietary cinnamate inhibits hepatic HMG-CoA reductase activity, resulting in lower hepatic cholesterol content, and suppresses lipid peroxidation via enhancement of hepatic antioxidant enzyme activities.

PMID: 14585184 [PubMed - indexed for MEDLINE] "


More recently I found a column in Parade Magazine written by some paid doctor who denied that cinnamon is in anyway helpful to diabetics for controlling blood sugar, etc., and that was when I knew for sure that it is a statin. The guy was just lying for money as we have seen so many times before. Incredible that I am now able to learn (or in this case, get a second opinion) from such MDs by knowing that the opposite of what they say is more likely true by understanding the nature of the system (money) and their motivations (money). His lies were designed to stop people from medicating themselves with cinnamon and buying prescription drugs instead, in my opinion and belief.

I recommend letting me be your lab rat on this one and stay away from large dosages of it. I could not be paid to do that again. It made a believer out of me.


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Postby Biologist » Thu Jul 10, 2008 6:59 pm

Corrections (while probably more to come, if it ever get around to it):

1) This is the correct photo:


2) Also, it was more like 16 weeks, rather than 6 weeks, that I did the cinnamon after my "crisis"/blowout with the prescription statin.

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severe symptoms from statin

Postby Bianca » Thu Feb 26, 2009 2:47 am

Waking up in the middle of the night to a 40 minute attack of racing heart to 180, chills, parkinsons like shaking and squeezing chest. 10 minute rest and then another 10 minute attack. Pain all over my muscles including chest and arms--I have had this on zocor lipitor and now the lowest dose of crestor. My doctors are in disbelief as they dont think there are such symptoms.
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Postby harley2ride » Thu Feb 26, 2009 3:58 pm

Prior to Statin, I had Acid Reflux and Plantar Faciatis. Nothing more.

Two weeks after starting statins, Muscle pain, cramps, spasms

Stopped statins after 40 days. Still had muscle pain, cramps, spasms.

Army sent me to Fort Bliss and gave me shots (anthrax). Within one week, developed sleep disorders, fatigue, memory problems, frequent fevers and chills, loss of body temperature, tingling, tendonitis pains, joint pains, bruised easily. Over time I have lost strength, stamina, loss of night vision, gained 20+ lbs, loss of appetite, numbness in legs, tremors, muscle tics/spasms, including involuntary spasms, acid reflux/indigestion is worse even though I take two different meds for that, erectile disfunction
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