A forum to discuss personal experiences and share information on statins and other cholesterol lowering drugs.


Postby Linda Paulhus » Mon Dec 10, 2007 12:13 pm

I created a website consisting of 29 pages in 2003. The information was based on interviews with hundreds of ALS patients. Shortly after that, I began receiving many phonecalls from those on statin drugs who had been diagnosed with various forms of motor neuron disease.

After interviewing and emailing hundreds of patients, I realized their physicians were not documenting the side effects. When their condition evolved into neurological symptoms, they were referred to a neurologist. No connection to the statins. What I was to find out was what I expected. Many M.D.s have invested in stock as well as percs from the pharmas. The financial benefits took priority over human life.

I posted the original study from Southwestern on the * site in Boston. The clinical connected statins to ALS. On that day, I saw many ASL patients were questioning the drugs as Dr. McCarty disputed their claims. Why? He spoke about the pending clinicals for ALS who would be TREATED with Lipitor.

With very limited resources, I have applied for a Federal I.D. # and a Trust that will be first of it's kind in this country. The monies [fundraising] will be for the purpose of reimbursing diagnosed patients who choose to take a non-drug approach through A.C.A.M. OR A.A.E.M. trreatments. The monies will be allocated based on need. For the first time, patients will be allowed to make a personal choice; non-drug.

I plan [with help] to open regional and state-based offices throughout the country. I will need volunteers to help create a website and discussion forum [my other site was mysteriously hacked into and non-functional].

The second part of the Trust will allow an accumulation of funding for non-drug research and a clinic. I have completed five years of research which is backed with medical tests and research. I am looking for funding assistance. Motor neuron disease is liver disease; liver function abnormalities.

I am not well connected. We need a star on the horizon who will be the spokesperson for those who have made another choice.

Linda Paulhus *
Linda Paulhus
Posts: 20
Joined: Wed Oct 04, 2006 11:24 am

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