Could there be an adverse reaction to Coq10?

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Could there be an adverse reaction to Coq10?

Postby mags » Fri Feb 29, 2008 9:37 am

I am just trying to figure out what started my symptoms all over again and am wondering if maybe I have an intolerance to Coq10. I had this problem resurface before and went off the coq10 for awhile and it seemed to improve. I have gone through the literature and all that I can find is that too high of a dose can cause muscle problems. I am taking 150 mg a day. Maybe this is too much for me. Also sleeping poorly but not sure if this is menopuse or effects of past Zocor use This only compounds the problem. It is exhausting to try and figure out what is going on. And it is futile to keep going to doctors because nothing ever turns up. Can anyone help me on this???
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Postby Darrell » Fri Feb 29, 2008 11:26 am

Mags, like you I too had Zocor leg muscle damage and the pain under the ribs. But I have used much higher doses of Q10 without any obvious problems. In fact, three years later I am still taking higher Q10 than you are as a maintenance dose. It may be some unusual sensitivity on your part, or it may be some filler in the Q10 you are taking, or both. Be sure you are taking quality Q10 (such as from Kaneka in Japan) and not some Chinese knock-off.

Q10 helped me, but the major improvement for me was taking carnitine.

Also, early on in my post-statin days I would have what I called "bad leg days". For no apparent reason, everything would flare up worse than usual for a day or two (and "usual" was pretty bad). It would resolve as mysteriously as it started.

My wife was in menopause at the peak of my statin muscle pain problems. There were many nights that neither one of us slept much.
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Postby Allen1 » Fri Feb 29, 2008 12:07 pm

Hi there Mags,

I only recently started taking Q10 for a couple of months (financial reasons mainly for late start). However I was already taking L-Carnitine, since starting Q10 I have been able to stay awake a lot more and feel more alive than I have for a very long time. Last week though for about 4 days I felt like death warmed up and much like I did while on statins, this has passed for now and I am also taking cod liver oil for Vit A and D 10ml (desert spoon full) per day, I already take 2000mg (2 1000mg caps) of Omega 3 fish oil and some Vit C tablets.

The Cod Liver Oil is the newest thing I am using and have just started it this week, I mainly wanted a source of Vitamin D to sort out the ridges on my fingernails (I read about it on this site). Anyway it appears that statins affect cholesterol which is also needed for your skin to synthesize sunlight to Vit D, many people never mind us lot who have statin damage are Vitamin D deficient and that leads to a lot of other problems.

You could do no harm in trying some for a while and see if you feel any better (still take your other stuff), also do a good search about Vit D deficiency and Vit A.

I am probably way off track but you never know it may actually help.
A couple of sites are as below, but do a proper search and look out for oils that the manufactures has removed the natural a and d from and put in synthetics instead (avoid):-



I hope this will help you.

All the best,

Allen. :-)
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Low Blood Pressure and Coenzyme Q10

Postby pgrimm » Sun Mar 02, 2008 9:34 pm

Bill has discontinued his blood pressure medication and has been taking multiple supplements for a week now. His blood pressure today is unusually low. Should I just lower the coenzyme Q10? He is taking three 200 mg tablets a day, is that too much for him to start?
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