I thought I would copy you on some correspondence between me and the UMDF (their response)
Subject: RE: Statin - induced Mitochondrial Disease
Dear John,
Thank you for contacting the UMDF and for your interesting question. I am sorry you are having mitochondrial issues as a result of statins. As you may be aware, we do not do research ourselves. However, we do fund researchers at independent institutions/universities around the world. The projects we fund are selected through a rigorous review process similar to that of the NIH. So far, we have not had any researchers whose statin-related proposals made it to the funding stage, and I’m not sure we’ve even had applications regarding that. However, if we ever do, those applications would be reviewed and considered just as thoroughly as any other.
Having said that, I can tell you that one of our past grant recipients, Dr. Vamsi Mootha, is currently doing some major statin-related research and he has been in the news quite a bit lately. Here is one website about that and also a link to his lab.
**http://www.eurekalert.org/pub_releases/2008-02/hms-nct022008.php and **http://mootha.med.harvard.edu/
I hope this is helpful.
Jean Bassett
Grants Coordinator &
Membership Services
United Mitochondrial Disease Foundation
Some of the link info in redundant , but there are embedded links there as well.
**** Gotts: I prefer German rye, Limburger, sweet onion and mayo. My mother's maiden name was Nieuenschwander, and I know precisely what you're talking about. Oh, and horses die before they reach 30.