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Postby Ray Holder » Wed May 28, 2008 11:14 am

British news today proclaims a government edict to doctors to trawl through records of 40 to 70 year olds to find candidates for preventive treatment for cardiac problems. Lifestyle etc changes to be made first, but simvastatin 40mg to be used if no improvement.

The result should be thousands of lives saved, says the announcement. What is the justification for the size of the effect? The last estimates I saw of lives saved were taken from total cardiac death figures, which had been declining for some years without the use of statins, due to many other factors, but, of course, the cause is put down solely to statin use. Malcolm Kendrick has made this point in his book.

Ray Holder
Posts: 405
Joined: Thu Apr 13, 2006 2:00 pm
Location: Bournemouth England

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