Has anyone had a muscle biopsy?

A forum to discuss personal experiences of Muscle Pain associated with statin drug use.

Has anyone had a muscle biopsy?

Postby kcrose84 » Sat Aug 30, 2008 3:01 am

My 65 year old husband has been diagnosed with Rhabdomyolysis after taking Niaspam and Vytorin together for a year and a half, and Lipitor for two months. He ended up in the emergency room with kidney failure. Since that time he has had a good bit of muscle wasting in his pecs and bicep muscles, I was wondering if he should have a biopsy? What kind of Doctor would one see to have that done, and would it reveal the cause?
I would appreciate hearing from a Doctor or someone who has had that done.
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Postby SusieO » Sun Aug 31, 2008 7:55 am

I think it was "Harley" that had a muscle biopsy, but I can't be certain of that. I know not many on this site have had one because most docs will not approve the procedure.

I asked 2 of my docs and they both replied "why would you need that since your CPK levels are normal, plus a muscle biopsy is dangerous". Like statin damage is not dangerous! (rolling my eyes)!

However, since your hubby has been diagnosed with rhabdo they may be more in favor of doing one, but I think it has to be done a certain way and also sent to a certain lab that maybe freezes or does not freeze the specimen. My mind is not good this morning, but I know there are several ways it can be done and to find out what you need to know it has to be done a certain way not just the standard procedure.

Sorry I am not more help, but at times my brain does not recall what I need it to due to Lipitor. :(
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Postby kcrose84 » Sun Aug 31, 2008 11:04 am

Thanks for the information, I will discuss it with the Neurologist who made the diagnosis, we felt it would give more credence to the other doctors who refuse to believe it's Rhabdo. I was also thinking it might identify the statin that did the poisoning, he was on Niaspam, Vytorin and later Lipitor.
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Postby cjbrooksjc » Sun Aug 31, 2008 12:48 pm

Niaspan is not a Statin but a form of vitamin B3, and is not likely to cause Rhabdo. It DOES seem to exacerbate statin side effects for many of the forum members however. Vytorin is already getting bad press for failing to prevent advertised cardio difficulties, and Lipitor is one of the most commonly referenced statins on this site for causing deteriorating muscle and joint problems.


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Postby harley2ride » Tue Sep 02, 2008 12:10 pm

I actually had 2 muscle biopsies. I had one in 2004 and another in 2005. Seems that the results seen in the biopsy alone, isn't enough for the docs to make a conclusion. You may need to have emg and an oxygen exchange test as well (depends on what your doctor wants.

I had 2 docs say that my first biopsy didn't show anything conclusive. Yet when those exact same results were read my Dr. Phillips at Scripps, he found definative results. My biopsy one year later, there was no doubt that I had Mitochondrial Myopathy.

Just make sure you find a good doctor. A good neurologist, or somebody with the MDA..
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