
A forum to discuss personal experiences and share information on statins and other cholesterol lowering drugs.


Postby John Hope » Wed Dec 17, 2008 4:24 am

Bezafibrate is not a statin - which is why I agreed to give it a try to keep my misguided doctor from yammering on like a stuck record about cholesterol and the like. I stopped taking statins in Jan 08 after realising the damage they had been doing to me over the previous five years.

What I found to my dismay is that the psychological side effects of the Bezafibrate were absolutely identical to those of the statins - depresssion, mood swings, brain fog, anxiety, stress and so on. I recognise these effects afgter a short while and stopped taking the drug. And the side effects went away.

I'm certainly not a pharmacist, but it's my understanding that the mechanisms of action of the statins and bezafibrate are different. If this is so then the likelihood that they both cause me identical side effects must surely be due to the end result of their action. In other words, my brain needs the level of cholesterol it manufactures for itself and this should not be tampered with.

I've long been a disciple of Dr Malcolm Kendrick (book: The great Cholesterol Con) inasmuch as I believe that cholesterol levels are not relevant to heart disease. My own case in particular is just another example of this - for all the years I was on statins my GP delightedly observed I had the lowest cholesterol in his whole practice, but still the heart problems they kept a-coming.

So now I say to all the misguided inquisitors of the Holy Cholesterol Church: hands-off my cholesterol - it's 6 on the European scale and I need it all!
John Hope
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Location: nr Oxford, UK

Postby Brian C. » Wed Dec 17, 2008 6:10 am

Yep, it's all been one almighty con job John.
Like the financial system :roll:

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Postby Cat Mom2 » Thu Dec 18, 2008 11:19 am

I, not long ago was feeling terriable so I went to the doctor. First thing was blood work! Blood work showed everything in normal levels except cholesterol, it was 228, a bit high according to my doctor but acceptable. My response? "Nope! That is to low for me, no wonder I have been feeling so bad!".

I really seem to feel better when mine is 250 or above so I ran right out and got myself a bucket of fried chicken and a big chocolate cake and have increased my intake of fats. Results? I am feeling a ton better!

I never have understood how one size fits all when it comes to cholesterol and I prefer to let my own body tell me what levels it works best with.
Cat Mom2
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Postby Brian C. » Thu Dec 18, 2008 3:16 pm

Good for you CatMom! :D

Brian C.
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Postby vipergg22 » Fri Dec 19, 2008 8:47 pm

[quote="Cat Mom2"]I, not long ago was feeling terriable so I went to the doctor. First thing was blood work! Blood work showed everything in normal levels except cholesterol, it was 228, a bit high according to my doctor but acceptable. My response? "Nope! That is to low for me, no wonder I have been feeling so bad!".

I really seem to feel better when mine is 250 or above so I ran right out and got myself a bucket of fried chicken and a big chocolate cake and have increased my intake of fats. Results? I am feeling a ton better!

I never have understood how one size fits all when it comes to cholesterol and I prefer to let my own body tell me what levels it works best with.[/quote]

Exactly , you hit it on th head . Everyone is different yet they created an artificially low number so large amounts of people would "seem" to need to be on drugs . In most case these studies were funded by the drug companies themselves.
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Postby John Hope » Mon Dec 22, 2008 12:36 pm

These comments are interesting. One of my best friends is a medical professional (specialist radiologist) here in UK who maintains that 'everyone has their own optimum cholesterol level'.
His younger brother is a top cardiologist in Australia who was until a couple of years ago so cholesterol-neurotic that he wouldn't allow anyone in his family to eat more than one egg per week! But now he, too admits that the war against cholesterol has been misguided.
John Hope
Posts: 10
Joined: Thu Jan 31, 2008 6:07 am
Location: nr Oxford, UK

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