Hi there Leslie,
it should really be OK to increase the Q10 your Mother is taking, if you still have some 30mg capsules you could add a couple for a few days and see if it helps ie take the 100mg in the morning and a couple of 30mg or a 100mg capsule in the afternoon. It will be a case of finding what is beneficial and not wasteful by adjusting the amount to what suits her needs, it may be just a little more or it could be a lot. I know that's a cop-out but everyone needs to find their balance as we are all different.
Who would have thought that a wood tick bite could be so harmful, I had to look that up to find the cause of Lyme disease, without the bite mark being found or the actual tick, the symptoms are similar to many other health problems.
Although a lot of us here have had some really horrendously bad experiences, I would say that yours and your Mothers are pretty high on the list, if not the top for multiple sourced ailments. The worst of it is, is that there is nothing you could have knowingly done to prevent any of it.
Thankfully with the statin problems, word is getting out and some people are making a choice as to whether or not to take them, there are still a lot who don't realise the danger though.
I really hope that you and your Mother's health improves soon
All the best,