One yr ago my husband lost his mind (TGA) last year while we were on vacation; I left him in the ER, went to the computer in the hotel lobby, and typed in TGA. Immediately popped up, and I have been on my own journey of discovery ever since. Actually, I was already pre-booked for this journey by receiving the previous February a copy of the Smart Money magazine article about a man who suffered severe cognitive dysfunction after taking statins. Against medical advice on all fronts, my husband stopped taking statins, and has done fairly well. His peripheral neuropathy has improved, but he still suffers pain/weakness/unsteadiness. However, a recent checkup showed his vLDL is too high, and his HDL is too low. I have him on fish oil/CoQ10/Vit C, but I am still in the learning mode as to what and how much to take. I ordered and have just finished Dr Graveline's new book, THE STATIN DAMAGE CRISIS, and it is STUPENDOUS. I would like to help my two brothers (one who is 60, had an MI and triple by-pass at age 56, the other is 50 and high-risk). I feel all alone and that sometimes I am regarded as a kook/fanatic when I talk about statin side effects. I feel I cannot dictate to them what to do, but getting them to read is very difficult. The brother who had the bypass suffered a ruptured Achilles tendon last Fall, and went off his statin; now I find he is taking red yeast rice supplement; when I tell him it's just another statin, he says his cardiologist insists he be on some sort of statin. My younger brother (age 50) was just prescribed Crestor and told by his cardiologist he will die without it (this same stupid doctor refused to check his CRP/vit D/homocysteine, and I'm not sure he even did a thorough HDL/LDL profile (VAP)); this stooge did not even prescribe CoQ10 with Crestor--therefore, as far as I'm concerned, he has no credibility.My brothers are too intimidated to speak up to their doctors, like the patient who spoke to Dr Roberts about supplements
in the REVERSE HEART DISEASE NOW by Sinatra and Roberts (pg 94).
I have read more than half a dozen books, trying to put the pieces together, but many people just don't have the time or inclination to read. I feel they will never understand what's at stake until they do. In the meantime, I just pray and keep preaching about what I know to be true.